Out-of-State Residents Arrested in California
California is a beautiful state and attracts many visitors from all over the world. On occasion, visitors get in trouble with the law while visiting the state and are arrested in California. They may have received an out of state DUI, a drug offense, or other criminal charge. They do not live in California; however, they have been arrested in California. They need to go home to attend to business, jobs, and families. Without proper representation, it becomes quite challenging to adequately defend a long-distance charge.
If this has happened to you, you can appreciate the complexities involved in securing a California attorney who will stand in your defense. In many cases we can appear in court for you, process the case, and communicate with you so you are free to attend to the other matters in your life.
We have handled hundreds of cases where our clients live out of state or even out of the country. Our job is to represent you and make your life easier. We are your professional representatives with decades of experience in just these types of matters. You will have a life after an arrest. The best advice is to get advice early on in the process so you do not make mistakes which later on will hinder the results of your case.
Early intervention by a knowledgeable professional to review your case, investigate your case and handle your case professionally may well reap you dividends in the future.
Risk-Free Consultations
At SoCalCriminalDefense, we take a hands-on, personal approach with our clients. Your case will be handled by Los Angeles criminal defense attorney, Ronald Ziff, or California criminal appellate attorney, Abby Klein—not handed down to an associate attorney with less experience. The firm’s outstanding philosophy, combined with individual client care, is reflected in the positive results consistently earned.
Contact Us
For more information about Los Angeles criminal defense attorney, Ronald Ziff, or California criminal appellate attorney, Abby Klein, please contact us today.
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